Analysis of Phalanges in Ring Finger

Among many subjects talked about in Samudrik Shastra, Palmistry holds a very important place. Palmistry is beneficial for those people who don’t have their Janma Kundali. A lot of different subjects are considered to be very important in Palmistry. In this webcast, we will talk about one such subject. We will discuss phalanges in ring finger. Ring finger is the third finger in your hand. It is also known as Anamika in hindi.

First Phalange in Ring Finger

Let us begin with the first phalange of your ring finger. If this phalange is bigger than the rest, you will admire beauty. You will be easily attracted towards beautiful objects.

If the first phalange is round, you will be much interested in art. You will love everything related to art. Besides being bigger, if the first phalange is muller-shaped, you will use beauty for your own benefits.

Your profession or source of income may be related to recognizing or studying beautiful objects. On the other hand, you will be principled and believe in certain ideals if the first phalange is short and square-shaped.

Second Phalange in Ring Finger

In this slide, we will talk about the second phalange in your ring finger. If this phalange is longer than the other two, you will be a skilled actor.

Your business will be related to fine art. In fact, you will get benefits with the same. You will deal with fine art objects depicting beauty and offering peace of mind.

Third Phalange in Ring Finger

Now, let us talk about the third phalange in your ring finger. If this phalange is longer than the rest, you will be pompous in life. You have a keen interest in decorative ornaments.

If this phalange is also thick, your decorations will be clumsy. On the other hand, your decorations will be elegant and classy if the third phalange is lean.

Other Characteristics of Ring Finger

In the end of this webcast, let us tell you about some other characteristics of Ring Finger. If the point of origin of your ring finger is lower than the other fingers, it is considered to be below average.

In such a situation, you will lack compassion. However, your ring finger will be favourable, if its point of origin is higher than the other fingers.