Marriage Match - Part 2 - Marriage Match Making

In our previous webcast, we talked about marriage match making. This match making was based on houses, astrological signs and the astrological sign in the Ascendant. In this webcast, we will go a bit further. We will try to understand some more methods involved in marriage match making.

In this webcast, we will tell you about matching Kundalis on the basis of Moon’s Bhinnashtak and association of Venus and Mars. We will also analyze Dasha, fifth house and seventh house.

Matchmaking on the basis of Moon’s Bhinnashtak

It is important to match the bride and groom’s Kundalis to determine if the marriage would be successful or not. First of all, let us analyse Moon’s position. Moon is considered to be the Karak planet for mind. Analysing the association of Moon in the bride and groom’s Kundalis is extremely important.

Ashtak Varga plays a crucial role for studying a Janma Kundali. Hence, we should analyse Moon’s association in moon’s Bhinnashtak in a Janma Kundali. In order to do this, we have to check your and your partner’s moon signs in each other’s Bhinnashtak of moon.

To begin with, you need to check the groom and bride’s moon signs. These signs should be analysed in moon’s Bhinnashtak.

In the moon’s Bhinnashtak of the groom, you should analyse the bride’s moon sign. You should check the house in which it is present and the points it acquires.

For example, let us assume that the moon sign of the bride is Gemini. You will have to check the points of Gemini sign in moon’s Bhinnashtak of the groom.

If the moon sign acquires 3 or less points, the bride will not be comfortable with the groom. She may be hurt by one thing or another in her married life. On the other hand, if the moon sign acquires 4 or more points, it will be an appropriate match and the bride will be comfortable with the groom.

In the same way, you will have to analyse the groom’s moon sign in the moon’s Bhinnashtak of the bride. If the both bride and groom are able to acquire more than 4 points, it will be a perfect match. If both of them acquire less points, the match may be inappropriate.

Association of Venus and Mars in the bride and groom’s Kundalis

Now, we will analyse the position of Venus and Mars in your Kundalis. Mars is considered to be the Karak planet for energy. It is also associated with courage and bravery. On the other hand, Venus is considered to be the Karak planet for lust, desire and love.

Your marriage does not experience any major problems if the positions of Venus and Mars are auspicious in your Kundalis. In such a condition, both of you will also have similar energy levels.

It is important to analyse the position and state of both Mars and Venus in the bride and groom’s Kundalis. Their condition and placement should be noted.

First of all, you should study the position of Venus in the groom’s Kundali. The position of Mars in the bride’s Kundali should also be noted. If both the planets form an association in center or trine house, the marriage will be successful. Otherwise, the match will be inappropriate.

For example, let us assume that Venus is in Ascendant in the groom’s Kundali and Mars is in ninth house in the bride’s Kundali. This association is in trine. Therefore, it is an appropriate match.

If Mars and Venus form an association in an inauspicious house, the match will be inappropriate. There may be many problems in your married and personal life.

Analysis of Seventh and Fifth house

In this slide, we will talk about fifth and seventh house in a Janma Kundali. It is important to analyse seventh house in your and your partner’s Kundali. Seventh house in a Janma Kundali is associated with marriage. Hence, it is considered to be extremely important. The stronger seventh house is, the better your marriage will be.

If seventh house is related to malefic or inauspicious houses, there may be some problems in your married life. You will face certain challenges throughout your married life. According to a popular opinion, it is believed that if the Doshas related to seventh house are similar in your and your partner’s Kundali, it will result in a better married life.

Fifth house in a Janma Kundali is associated with childbirth or children. If any of the two Kundalis has a Dosha related to fifth house, childbirth may be delayed. Moreover, there will be problems in conceiving a child, if the fifth house is in a weak state in both Kundalis.

Analysis of Dasha

Finally, we will talk about Dasha. During match making, we have to consider a lot of different aspects in the bride and groom’s Kundalis. It is foolish to match Kundalis without studying every aspect in detail.

Once you have matched Kundalis, it is important to study Dasha which will be present after marriage. Dashas will determine if you’ll have a good or bad married life. It is important to check the Dasha which is present at the time of marriage.

If Dasha of 6th, 8th and 12th house is present in a Janma Kundali or Navansh Kundali at the time of marriage, you should choose a different date. This is because such a marriage won’t last long.

On the other hand, your married life will be good if Dashas are related to center or trine house after marriage. Similarly, it may not be good for your marriage if inauspicious Dasha are occurring in both your Kundalis after marriage.

Your married life will be fine if either one of you has the scope of auspicious Dashas in your Kundali. Such a marriage will be average or normal. In the end, we will once again request you to study all the aspects of both the Kundalis during match making. This is very important for a successful marriage.

Click on this link to watch Marriage Math - Part 1 : Marriage Math - Part 1