Classification of Numbers - Classification of Numbers in Numerology

Numerology has been given a prominent place in mystical sciences. Every number has some mystery, which can be traced back to mystical powers. Every number has an independent power and energy. Energies of all nine numbers are always overlapping each other. Numbers have been classified into different categories. Every number is compatible with another from the same category. In this webcast, we will tell you about the classification of numbers and their characteristics.

Characteristics of Numbers 1, 5 and 7

First of all, let us talk about numbers depicting masculine characteristics. Numbers 1, 5 and 7 are considered to be masculine. They are extremely powerful.

If your Life number is one of these numbers, you have to ability to excel in whatever you do. In fact, you are the initiator of whatever you are involved in.

You have excellent leadership qualities. You are a restless person. You never like to sit idle. You always keep yourself busy. You have the ability to overcome all kinds of obstacles to succeed in life. You live life on your own terms. Your decisions always work out as you want.

Characteristic of Numbers 2, 4 and 8

Numbers 2, 4 and 8 are included in this category. These numbers are considered to be feminine in nature. If your Life number is one of these numbers, you may show feminine characteristics.

Like women behave in certain situations, you may want to dig deep into everything and gather as much information as you can. You analyze everything around you and give directions to those who need them. You analyze even the most minute details.

Although Number 8 is included in this category, some of its characteristics are masculine. You may be quite unfortunate and disappointed in life if you are related to this Number.

If we apply the rules of Numerology to the words, Karma and Mystic, the sum of the alphabets is 8. However, any results you get because of Karma or Mystic depend on incidents in your life and your judgement.

Characteristics of Number 3, 6 and 9

In the end, we will talk about Numbers 3, 6 and 9. These numbers show masculine as well as feminine characteristics. Some of the benefits you receive in life are because of blessings from God. You succeed in life because of good things you did in the past.

You like to live your life in a simple manner. You are not even afraid in difficult situations. You think that you deserve all luxurious items in life. You are fortunate since birth. You get whatever you desire in life.