Five of Cups - Meaning of Five of Cups in Tarot Cards

The Five of Cups is about loss. On this card, we see a figure draped in black and covered in grief. He so dominates the card that is hard to look beyond him. The Five of Cups refers to that time when the pain of a loss is most acute. This man is looking only at the overturned cups in front of him. For now, he cannot acknowledge the two cups that are still standing. Later, when he has healed somewhat, he will be able to see all that remains. This card is all about getting hurt and than reviving from the pain. Once a person is healed, he will be able to see his options and work accordingly.

In readings, The Five of Cups can alert you to the possibility of a loss and its associated emotions - sorrow, regret, denial. The loss could be great or small. It could be tangible like money, possession, relationship, work etc. or intangible like dream, opportunity, prospect, reputation etc. You may already know what this card represents, but, if not, use it as a warning to help you avoid a loss, or atleast reduce its toll. This card can be associated with letting go of a hope and giving up the win. A person with this card often experiences a setback and is defeated. Such a person losing something he possesses.

You may feel discouraged by this card, but it does have a positive side. Every loss opens new possibilities for growth because every loss initiates change. No matter how much we accept intellectually that we must go with the flow, if that flow separates us from what we love, we do not accept it. The more we struggle to hold on to what is gone, the more we suffer. The Five of Cups can be associated with breaking up a relationship and feeling deprived of love. It can also be related to longing to be reunited and feelings like grief and sorrow.

The Five of Cups is a card that ca also be associated with a feeling of regret. It may be related to something that you did in the past and can not forget now. Sometimes, things you do in the past haunt you for a long time and you regret doing them. The Five of Cups can be associated with all such things. This card can be associated with being disappointed by events. A person with this card holds on to things for a long time. He keeps crying over spilt milk and does not let go. Such a person lives in the past and always wants to turn back the clock. He keeps on wishing for what might have been if things would have been different. Such a person keeps on believing that he made the wrong choices in life. Such a person also acknowledges his mistakes.

The following can be associated with this card :

  • Suffering a loss
  • Feeling bereft
  • Feeling regret