Articles in Category Calculations

Determination of Local Time

Sun is responsible for the occurrence of time, day, night and seasons. A Hindu day is considered from one sunrise to another sunrise. Sun when comes at the top of head, the time is known as local

Precession of the Equinoxes

Let us first understand what is precession. To understand this, understanding equinox is very important. Celestial equator and ecliptic intersect each other at a point. This point of intersection is

Akshavedansha and Shastiyansha Kundali

This Varga Kundali is also known as Panch Chatvaryansh. We can analyze the character of a person by studying this Kundali. Generally, both good and bad effects are seen. To prepare this Kundali, 30

Calculation of time

The speed of Sun never stays same for a whole year. It keeps on changing every time. That is why, time on earth is different at different places. The standard time for every country is different. The

Precession of the Equinoxes

Let us first understand what is precession. To understand this, understanding equinox is very important. Celestial equator and ecliptic intersect each other at a point. This point of intersection is