Blames in Job and Transfer

Sometimes a person has to face many unfavourable circumstances in his job. In this situation the questioner might face harm to his reputation.Sometimes because of blame in job or some for other reason , a person might get a transfer. Lets us learn about the planetary position in the Prashna Kundli , due to which the person have to face different circumstance.

Blame in the Job

  1. If Ashtamesha and Dashmesha forms a relation in the Prashna Kundli at the time of the question, then the blame comes on the questioner.The eight house is always involved, wherever the blame comes.
  2. If the fourth house is suffering at the time of the question, then also the questioner is blamed.
  3. The defect can be known with the transit position of the planets.Like if any particular planet has changed its sign in a particular way.
  4. If Dashmesha or Lagnesha forms Ithathshal with its exalted sign , then this yoga depicts promotion and  increase in the position. If this Ithathshal is formed with debilitated sign , then it is not good and the person will not be promoted.
  5. Eight house is also meant for the arrears. If eight house forms a relation with the second house , then the person will get his arrears.


The third and the ninth house depicts the transfer in the job. There are many questions related to the transfer.

  1. If at the time of question Char is  Lagna and  Navansha, then the transfer will be at a good place.The questioner will be satisfied with his transfer.
  2. If seventh house and moon forms Kartari at the time of the question, then the transfer will not take place. If malefic is Kartari , then the will-less transfer will stop.
  3. If Moon and the seventh house forms benefic Kartari ,then the person doesn’t want the transfer and it will not take place.
  4. If the ascendant forms a relation with the third house and the ninth house , then the transfer takes place very soon. If this relation is formed in Char sign then also the transfer take place very soon.
  5. If the relations between the twelfth house and Ninth house Dwadesha and Navmesha are formed, then the person gets success in the foreign country. If the relation between the tenth house and twelfth house is formed , then the person gets success in the foreign country according to his deeds.
  6. If at the time of the question, if ascendant and the tenth house forms any relation with the ninth and third house, then the transfer takes place.If the ascendant and the tenth house forms a relation with the Char sign , then also the transfer takes place and also when ascendant has a Varki planet.
  7. It is not considered good if dashmesha enters 6,8 or 12th house of the Prashna Kundli. If the dashmesha enters the sixth house then the person gets the blame followed by a transfer. If dashmesha enters the eight house , then the person will face difficulties from the place of transfer. He might have to face obstacles.If dashmesha enters into the 12th house , then the transfer takes place in far away places.