Astham Bhav - Ashtam Bhav Meaning - Aayu Sthaan - Trik Bhav - 8th House

This house is also known as Aayu Sthaan. The other names of this house are Naamsheer, Gun, Randhra, Mangalay, Malin, Parabhav, Ayushya, Apwad, Ashuchi, Vighn, Chhidra, Nidhan, Panfar, Trik. Age is analysed in this house. Death, sorrow, illness, beginning of a disease, mental torture, reason for death or how one can die etc. can be studied through this house.

All types of analysis related to death are done through this house. This house is also used to analyse if all death rites will be performed or not, description of previous and next birth, salvation, time of birth, mishappening, longevity, harm or destruction, danger etc.

Sin, murder, Pitra Rin, previous accumulation of wealth, sudden benefits, dowry, extremely dangerous path, pores, bondage, punishment, cruelty, disrespect, demotion and all kinds of accusations is studied by the 8th house. Son of eldest sister, genital, sudden incidents etc are also analysed with this house. Private body parts are studied in this house.

In this house the fertility of women, wealth of a dead person, wealth received from a will or insurance is examined. Paternal property, hereditary wealth, sudden financial gain are the Karak of this house. 7th house is the 2nd Maraka house. The planet placed in this house and the lord of this house is called Markesh. In this house analysis of death, entrapment, due to poison, fall from a great height etc are studied. Long term illness, cause of death, marital bliss is observed in this house.