Exaltation of Sign

Exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet in astrology. The exaltation of a planet takes place in a zodiac. Zodiac is the ring of constellation that lines the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial spheres over the course of the year. The zodiac denotes those signs that divide the ecliptic into twelve equal zones.

Every planet has a primary goal. Therefore, while moving in the ecliptic path all planets find a suitable zone that makes them exalted which is the place where the planet get all the resources to accomplish their primary goal. In simple terms, we can compare it with a student who feels his primary goal accomplished in the school as he gets all his resources in school. Thus, we can say a student is exalted in a school.

For instance, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer because Jupiter’s primary goal is to achieve true happiness leading to self-realization and eventual enlightenment. Cancer is the most suitable sign as it is created by water element that is reflective, non rigid, fluid, emotional and intuitive. Also, Cancer is preferred over other water signs i.e. Scorpio sign and Pisces as only Cancer is a Cardinal sign and Cardinal signs supports growth and expansion. Hence, Cancer is the appropriate sign which gives Jupiter the best resources to fulfil his primary mission. It can also be said that Cancer is the ideal sign for the exaltation of Jupiter.

Planets and their Zodiac Sign of Exaltation

  • Sun: The sign most appropriate for the Sun to be exalted is Aries. The Sun is exalted upto 10 degrees in Aries. The natives whose Sun is exalted will be active, intelligent, famous, ambitious,  phlegmatic, impulsive, irritable and initiative.

  • Moon:The Moon is exalted in Taurus up to 3 degrees. The native born with exalted Moon will be powerful, happy, intelligent, handsome, influential and takes great strides in life. They are voracious eaters and readers, have a wavering mind and are passionate and indolent.

  • Mars : Mars is exalted in Capricorn up to 28 degrees. The natives having exalted Mars in the horoscope will be rich, will have a high political position, will be brave, generous, industrious, tactful and influential.

  • Mercury : Mercury is exalted in Virgo up to 15 degrees. The native born with exalted Mercury will be learned, virtuous, morbidly imaginative, dyspeptic and eloquent.

  • Venus : Venus is exalted in Pisces up to 27 degrees. The native born with exalted Venus is witty, tactful, learned, popular, modest, refined, respected and caricaturist.

  • Jupiter : Jupiter is exalted in Cancer sign up to 5 degrees. The native having exalted Jupiter is dignified, well read, intelligent, wealthy, faithful and inclined to social gossip.

  • Saturn: Saturn is exalted in Libra sign up to 20 degrees. The native having exalted Saturn in horoscope will be famous, tall, fair, handsome, independent, proud, prominent, charitable and judicious.

  • Rahu : Rahu is exalted in Gemini sign up to 15 degrees. The person with exalted Rahu will be ambitious, fearless, peevish, unhappy, diplomat, subservient, humiliating, rash, technical and scientific.

  • Ketu : Ketu is exalted in Sagittarius sign upto 15 degrees. The native with exalted Ketu will be influential, charitable and spiritual.

Exaltation of two or more planets in a horoscope can make a lot of difference in an individual’s life provided the same planets are strong in Navamsa chart. Also, the effect of exalted planet can be actually utilised if the period of the exalted planet comes during the life at an appropriate time.