Ascendant Lord and its Horoscopic Effect

Ascendant lord or Lagnesh is the lord of the rising zodiac sign at the time of birth. Ascendant lord and its strength is like the filament of the bulb. if the filament of the bulb is strong it can resist the voltage fluctuations as well as can produce better luminosity in optimum conditions. In the same way Ascendant lord if  strong and well placed in the horoscope can sustain  in adverse conditions and can do wonders when opportunities knocks. Ascendant lord helps us to determine the physical features, Stature and other peculiarities of an individual. Ascendant and its lord just helps an astrologer to draw an outline of the horoscope in general .

Ascendant are the basic predicting factor in the horoscope. Placement of Ascendant lord in various houses and rashi’s produce different results, still the basic effect of the Ascendant lord exist almost same  in all situation. it can be understood as a company having head office and branches at different places  may promote different types of product and manages different human resources but the basic ideology and concept of the branches and head office will be matching at some or the other level.


The Ascendant lord is Mars. Aries is a movable sign.Arians ruled by Mars have certain amount of independent thinking and reasoning faculty. They may not be the strict followers of convention. They love scientific thought and philosophy. They have their own ideas of right and wrong. Mars as Ascendant lord make them stubborn, frank, impulsive and courageous. They become pioneers.


The Ascendant lord is Venus. It is a fixed sign. The native-born with Venus as the lord of Taurus will be medium or  short and inclined towards corpulence.Their square face, well-shaped lips and dark hair is their prominent features. They have piercing intellect and shine well as authors, book dealers and journalists. They are not bound by sentiments but they appreciate truth. They have much business knack and good intuition power. They may develop nervousness at the later age of the  life but their memory and power of imaginations cannot deceive them. They are slow to anger but if provoked can become furious.


Gemini Ascendant is ruled by Mercury.  Mercury is a planet which is neither male nor female. It is earthy, dual sign and varies from benefic to malefic depending on its conjunction. with malefic planet Mercury becomes malefic and with benefic behaves as benefic. Alone Mercury is a benefic planet. Native of Gemini have wavering mind. They are active and experts in mathematical sciences. They become “jack of all trades but master of none”. They have sudden nervous breakdowns. They need to cultivate the habit of self control. Evil conjunction of Mercury makes a native trickery and deceitful.


Ascendant Cancer is considered to be the best Zodiac sign in all. It is ruled by the Moon. It is a movable sign.  Moon being the fastest moving planet hence makes the native sensitive and frugal. They are intelligent, bright and industrious. They are sympathetic but moral cowardice will be present. They often meet with disappointment in marriage and love affairs. They are very talkative. honest and self reliant. The Moon is cold moist, watery and feminine planet.


Leo Ascendant is ruled by the Sun. It is a fixed sign, The Sun is a male planet fiery and peach coloured. Natives will have majestic appearance, bilious constitution. Leos are bold and respectful in temperament. They have a knack to adapt themselves in any situations. They are ambitious. They stick up to the orthodox  principles in religion but tolerant towards others. precepts and practices. They love arts and literature and possess good philosophical knowledge.


Apart from Gemini Virgo is also ruled by Mercury. it is a earthy, dual sign and its direction is south..Natives born under this sign show their intelligence and memory when quite young. They are middle sized person with prominent chest. and weak if afflicted. They are discriminating and sensitive and are carried away with impulses. They are prolific writers and become famous as writers.
Libra: Rules by Venus is a masculine sign. it is Airy sign and movable in nature.  Natives are fair complexioned, broad face, fine eyes and broad chest. they are firm in conviction and are unmoved by mean motives. They are more idealists than realists. They love excitement and have the power of intuition on which they rely for their own guidance. They are great lovers of music.


Ruled by Mars is a feminine sign. it is watery sign and fixed in nature. They have hot constitution..
Natives of Scorpio Ascendant have youthful appearance. They have a generous disposition but fierce eyes. They are fickle minded and love excitement. They are inclined in sensual things. Even female born in this sign have masculine tendencies. They are good correspondent and invite friendship from among all round the world.


Ruled by Jupiter is a masculine sign. has dual nature. it is a fiery sign. Natives are inclined to corpulence and have almond eyes with brown hair. They are prompt and uphold conservative view. They are attracted towards occult science and philosophy. They are too callous and enthusiastic. They hate show off externally and are free from hypocrisy. They are brilliant, well mannered and have pure hearts. They can gain political power


Ruled by Saturn is a feminine sign has movable nature and earthy. Natives are tall, reddish brown in colour with prominent hair on the eye brows.Woman will be youngish and handsome in appearance. They have large teeth sometimes protruding outside the lips. They have the knack to adopt themselves as per conditions and environments.They have great aspirations in life. They are noted for strong mindedness and perseverance. Sometimes Capricorns are vindictive.


The water bearer sign is ruled by Saturn is masculine and fixed in nature.The natives born under this zodiac sign will be tall, lean and fairly handsome. Their lips are flushy and cheeks are broad. They are highly intelligent and very good in making friends. They are pure in heart and always ready to help others. They shine as good spokesman. They feel shy to exhibit their talents but their conversation will be most interesting and  highly instructive. They are bad organizers. On the whole Aquarians have something subtle in them which endears them to all they come in contact with.


Pisces a watery sign is  ruled by Jupiter. This sign is feminine and  has dual nature. They are reserved in their nature, superstitious and are God fearing. They are stubborn and ambitious to exercise authority over others. They are always restless. They are frugal in spending money. They are just in their dealings but lack self confidence.

Effects of Lord of Ascendant in Different Houses