Karakansha Lagna

In Jaimini astrology, many types of ascendants are used for accurate prediction. One of them is Karakansh Lagna. According to the birth ascendant, Karakansh Lagna has its importance. For making Karakansh Lagna, find the Atmakaraka in birth chart. Now see that the Atmakaraka planet is situated in which sign in Navmansh chart. Suppose the Atmakaraka planet in birth chart is Saturn, and Saturn is situated in Virgo sign in Navmansh chart. Now mark the house in which Virgo sign is coming in birth chart. Write down Karakansh Lagna in that house or you can also write KL. This will be called Karakansh Lagna. Now place all the planets of birth chart taking Virgo sign as ascendant.

In brief, we can say that the sign in which the Atmakaraka planet is situated in Navmansh chart and the house in which that sign is located in birth chart becomes Karakansh Lagna. Analyzing the position of planets through Karakansh Lagna makes the results clear.