Calculation and Uses of Hora

The Hora of the day and time at which the native has asked the question is calculated. After calculating the Hora, we decide that which planet’s Hora was running at the time of questioning. The analysis of the points related to that planet is done in the Prashna Kundali . This also helps in the identification of a question.


Note down the time of sunrise of the day on which the native has asked the question. There are 12 parts of 1 hour each from sunrise to sunset. Similarly, there are 12 parts from sunset to sunrise. In this way, we get 24 Horas. In the calculation of Hora of a day, the first Hora of that day will be of the day lord and the next Hora will be of 6th day from the day lord. Again, the next Hora will be of the 6th-day lord from that day. In this way, a sequence of 24 Horas will be formed. Let us understand this with an example.

Suppose the question was asked on Monday and the time of sunrise is 6 in the morning, then from 6 to 7, the Hora will be of Moon. From 7 to 8, the Hora will be of the 6th-day lord from Moon. The lord of 6th day from Moon is Saturn. In this way, rest of the Horas will also be in sequence. Let us understand this with the following table.
6 to 7-Hora of Moon
7 to 8-Hora of Saturn
8 to 9-Hora of Jupiter
9 to 10-Hora of Mars
10 to 11-Hora of Sun
11 to 12-Hora of Venus
12 to 1-Hora of Mercury
1 to 2-Hora of Moon
2 to 3-Hora of Saturn
3 to 4-Hora of Jupiter
4 to 5-Hora of Mars
5 to 6-Hora of Sun
6 to 7-Hora of Venus
When you decide the Hora, you can see that the sequence of Horas is automatically decided according to the sequence of shape of the planets. For example, Jupiter is the biggest planet. After that, the lord of Hora is Mars. After Mars, Saturn ; and in this way, all the planets move according to their shape. The Hora lords have been classified into two groups. First group includes Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Second group includes Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter. When the group of Hora is changing at the time of questioning, it could bring some important changes related to the question.
*You should find the planet of which Hora is running at the time of questioning. The questioner’s question may be related to that planet. If Horesh, i.e. Hora lord is afflicted then the person may face hurdles in his success.
*Divide the Hora in which the question comes into three equal parts. One Hora is of one hour. Divide one hour into three equal parts. Note down the part in which correct time of the question is coming.  If the question is coming in the first part of Hora then it means that the problem of questioner has just started. If it is coming in the second part of Hora then the problem may persist. If the question is coming in the third part of Hora then this means that the problem is about to end.
*Hora is used in the identification of a question. This identification is based on the position of Hora lord. Hora is also used to decide whether the question is related to Dhatu, Mool or Jeev Chinta.