Questions About Migrants

Everyone faces numerous predicaments in life. Many people face these troubles without getting psychologically troubled while the others get deeply effected by this.

This leads to rise of disputes in a family. In these situations, a person leaves his or her home without thinking anything. When a person seeks an answer regarding a migrant, we should be careful while answering the question. Let us first learn the astrology yogas for questions related with migrants. First of all, let us discuss the Yogas of the questions related with the arrival of migrant.

Astrological Combinations For Arrival of the migrant

  • If Jupiter and Venus are present in second or third house in a horary chart then a migrant comes back.
  • If Jupiter and Venus are placed in fourth house then a migrant comes back early.
  • If Mercury and Venus is placed in second and twelfth house from an ascendant or moon, then the migrant will not come back early.
  • If Jupiter and Venus are present in third house in an horary chart from an ascendant then a migrated person comes back.
  • If in an horary chart an auspicious planet is present in second, third and fifth house, then a migrant comes back.
  • If Jupiter and Venus both are present in the fourth house of the horary chart, then a migrant goes to a country farther then the current place.
  • If the lord of ascendant forms Itthshal Yoga with the planets present in ascendant or the planets present in the fourth house or when retrograde lord of ascendant has an aspect on ascendant. Then, the migrant returns happily.
  • If a planet is present in seventh or sixth house and Jupiter is present in centre then migrant returns to home.
  • If Mercury is present in trine house then a migrant comes back.
  • If in an horary chart moon is present in the eighth house, auspicious planet is present in centre and inauspicious planet is present at a place other than centre than migrant comes back to home happily.
  • If Moon is present in Prishtodaya sign and is forming Itthashall Yoga with planet present in ascendant, then a migrant returns early.
  • If moon is forming an Ishraf or Mutthashil yoga with 2,4,7 or 9 house, then the migrant comes back early.