Book details

Brhat Naksatra

Sanjay Rath

Tags : vedic astrology, Brhat Naksatra, Sanjana chakra,

Categories : Vedic Astrology,

Starting with the sapta - loka mandala and the tri – loka mandala, Tri nadi chakra, this book examines the naksatra tattva where you would be amazed to see that the clue to understanding the Leonardo’s Vitruvian man. Puskara naksatra and Gandanta naksatra have been explained with ample examples. Divulging some secrets of the special naksatra the Sula chakra has been explained threadbare.

Naksatra Devata is not just about prayers and worship Saptarsi naksatra is used for timing world events in the years, decades, centuries and millennium. The real reason for Sri Rama being Sun incarnation or Sri Krsna as Moon incarnation lies in the saptarsi.

Sunya naksatra, Graha Janma naksatra, Antaranga – Bahiranga naksatra and Pata naksatra have been covered along with sunya naksatra. Have you ever wondered why a ruby should be recommended for one born in Bharani naksatra? The answer is in the graham Janma naksatra. Antaranga – Bahiranga naksatra is the basis of Astottari dasa. The use of all this in horoscopy along with Sanjana chakra and pata naksatra is the hallmark of this book.

Dimba chakra of Pandit Dhundiraja and one system of Nara chakra has been covered in this part. By the time you finish this chapter you should be able to tell exactly which part of the body is going to be damaged (if at all). The naksatra purusa worship in the Vaisnava and Saiva traditions have been covered. The teachings of Brahmarsi narada, for the placement of the Moon in naksatra and pada including some traditional advise.

With more than a hundred charts and more illustrations, this book not only reveals some of the most guarded secrets of Vedic Astrology but also lays a firm foundation for learning Naksatra sastra. In simpler words, what has been taught in this book will have references in classical literature but their use, especially horoscopy has never ever been provided in any book.