Stellar Healing

Stellar Healing

N N Saha

Cure and Control of diseases through Gemstones. Gems have wonderful powers in curing diseases and healing wounds. Gems can reduce the effect and provide immunity in the body against any disease.
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The Mystique Of Gems & Stones

The Mystique Of Gems & Stones

Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi

Gems are used to dispel evil impact of planets occurring at various stages of a person’s life. Gems also enhance already existing favourable aspects apart from their use in various diseases
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Gems Therapy

Gems Therapy

M V Tulli

Gems Therapy
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Stellar Healing

Stellar Healing

N N Saha

Cure and Control of diseases through Gemstones. Gems have wonderful powers in curing diseases and healing wounds. Gems can reduce the effect and provide immunity in the body against any disease.
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Stellar Healing

Stellar Healing

N N Saha

Cure and Control of diseases through Gemstones. Gems have wonderful powers in curing diseases and healing wounds. Gems can reduce the effect and provide immunity in the body against any disease.
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Vedic Remedies in Astrology

Vedic Remedies in Astrology

Sanjay Rath

For the first time a book on Vedic astrology not only consolidates the various types of remedial measures available in the sacred literature, but also shows how to read the horoscope and recommend
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Know about Charms, Talismans and Spells

Know about Charms, Talismans and Spells

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Among charms we find gems, jewels, coins, vases, goblets, stones, weapons, herbs, trees, skull, bones, buildings, animals, water, human beings, there is also that large section called spells where
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Book of gem stones (Gems their occult & remedial powers)

Book of gem stones (Gems their occult & remedial powers)

Bipul Pathak

The book is intended to arouse the interest of people in the astrological efficacy of gemstones.The book provides scientific basis for those readers who are discerning and have scientific
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Astro Remedies: A Vedic Approach

Astro Remedies: A Vedic Approach

Lt. Col. (Retd.) Raj Kumar

A native suffers or enjoys (with the former having a dominant part) in life as per his prarbdha/destiny. Astrology does indicate what one has to endure and what one can overcome. Whereas great
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Remedies in Astrology

Remedies in Astrology

Reena Toki

Planets may have both good and evil effects on individual. These effects of each planet can be ascertained from reading one’s horoscope that is made from one’s date of birth, time of
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Occult Power of Gems

Occult Power of Gems

Manik Chand Jain

There are not many books on gems. The author, in this book has done a yeoman service both to the gems and to their wearers. Gems are bestowed with divine powers. They can perform miracles if worn
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Utility of Astral Gemstones

Utility of Astral Gemstones

Tapomay Ghoshhajra

The subject of Astral Gem Therapy has a vast scope for researchers. Shri Tapomay Ghoshhajra has remarkably done to put before the readers and for those who are interested in Gem Therapy his
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Vedic Remedies in Astrology

Vedic Remedies in Astrology

Sanjay Rath

For the first time a book on Vedic Astrology not only consolidates the various types of remedial measures available in the sacred literature, but also shows how to read the horoscope and recommend
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हीरा (ज्‍योतिषि और रत्‍न)

हीरा (ज्‍योतिषि और रत्‍न)

Jagdish Sharma

नौ रत्‍नों में हीरे को 'रत्‍नों का सम्राट' कहा जाता है। यह सभी रत्‍नों में अधिक मूल्‍यवान होता है। अपने रूप, गुण, असाधारण चमक के साथ ही प्राकृतिक व रासायनिक गुणों के
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ज्‍योतिष और रत्‍न

ज्‍योतिष और रत्‍न

Radha Krishna Shrimali

ज्‍योतिष के आधार पर रत्‍नों का चयन और उनकी धारणविधि बहुत ही महत्‍वपूर्ण है। जो प्रकृति विष बनाती है वही अमृत भी बनाती है। अत कौन-सा रत्‍न धारण करना उपयोगी और फलदायी है, कौन-सा
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मोती (ज्‍योति‍ष और रत्‍न)

मोती (ज्‍योति‍ष और रत्‍न)

Jagdish Sharma

नौ रत्‍नों में 'मोती' को सौन्‍दर्यवर्धक बताया गया है। मानवीय सौन्‍दर्य को निखारने में मोती सर्वोपरि है। इसके धारण से हृदय को शीतलता और आनंद का अनुभव होता है कल्‍पना की
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नीलम (ज्‍योतिष और रत्‍न)

नीलम (ज्‍योतिष और रत्‍न)

Jagdish Sharma

नौ रत्‍नों में 'नीलम' की प्रधानता सर्वोपरि है। यही एक रत्‍न है जो तत्‍काल शुभाशुभ परिणाम दिलाता है और स्‍टोन धारण के प्रति विश्‍वास बढ़ाता है। नीलम की अंगूठी पहने हुए
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