Significance of Jupiter In Business

Jupiter is considered to be one of the most auspicious planet in a horoscope. It is a planet that imparts wealth, wisdom, and fame. Strongly placed Jupiter in the horoscope gives immense auspicious results. Jupiter is also known as non-technical planet. When Jupiter forms relations with the lord of the tenth house, it divers the native’s interest towards non-technical fields. When afflicted with malefic, it gives mixed results. If placed weakly, it may not be able to give its auspicious results.

The Jupiter gives wealth and success. The native attains recognition, prosperity and happiness. Such a person attains support of his preachers and scholars. Auspicious Jupiter gives fruitful results to the native. The native attains fame and respect in the society. He lives a life like a king. The planet gives highly auspicious results during its dasha and antardasha. He attains victory over his enemies. Jupiter forming relations with the seventh house improves the social status of the native.

The native is able to attract others like a magnetic. Jupiter situated in conjunction with Moon in the the kendra house, makes the native attractive. The planet in conjunction with Jupiter plays an important role in defining the auspiciousnes and inauspiciousness of Jupiter and its results.

On the other hand, the lord of the sign in which the Jupiter is situated also has an impeccable impact on the results of Jupiter. Jupiter gives auspiciousness results, when placed in its own sign in the kendra or trikona house, or placed in exalted state in the horoscope.

Auspicious Jupiter brings mental stability in native. It makes the native generous and intelligent. Such a person attains fortunate results. He performs auspicious deeds. He attains patience and sensibility due to the influence of Jupiter. Such a person can be fond of travelling. He attains support and learnings through influential people.

Jupiter is related to law and order. If it is strongly placed in the horoscope as the lord of the eighth or eleventh house, and forming relations with Mercury and Venus, the native can become a good lawyer or advocate. The position becomes even stronger, when Jupiter forms relation with the ascendant or lord of the ascendant in the horoscope.

Jupiter forming relations with Mars, makes the native inclined towards military services. Strongly placed Jupiter in this position can also provide opportunities of becoming a magistrate. Jupiter has a great influence of speech of a person. When strongly placed in the karma house being the lord of second or fifth house, the native earns its livelihood through speech and communication proficiency. He may work as a teacher or lawyer.

When Jupiter being the lord of the tenth house forns relation with the lord of ninth, twelfth and fifth house in a kundli, the native gets inclined to religious and spiritual works. The native might be involved in services of temples, hospitals, dharamshala and so on.

Jupiter is the karak of wealth and thus, provides financial stability. When Jupiter being the lord of the twelfth and eleventh house form relations with the ascendant and the lord of ascendant, along with the tenth house, the native might get into banking jobs, or earn livelihood through rental income and past investment.

Jupiter is has also been associated with ministry of state. When Jupiter being the lord of the ninth house is situated in the ascendant or lord of ascendant, while forming relations with the tenth house, then the native earns wealth through state. He attains the position of high authority and earn wealth.

The native gets into law, when the Jupiter conjuncts Venus, impacts the ascendant and the lord of ascendant and forms relations with Saturn (lord of tenth house).

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