Importance of Planets in Varshphal Kundali Eleventh House

In order to analyze the results of planets in eleventh house of a Varsha Kundali, we have to study different planets and their Karak elements. The results from different planets vary from one house to another. If a house has a planet in its own sign or it is aspected by auspicious planets, it gives auspicious results. Results of planets also depend on different Ascendants. Planets give auspicious results when they are in their own signs or exalted.

Sun in Eleventh House

When Sun is strong in the eleventh house, a person is a leader and attains a high position in society. Such a person is generous and wealthy. He spends a lot of money on religious activities. He achieves success in family business. However, if Sun is weak, there may be financial losses. Such a person may be stubborn and aggressive.

Moon in Eleventh House

When Moon is in eleventh house, a person is wealthy and polite. Such a person has a lot of property. He is helped and supported by women. A person with Moon in eleventh house is loving and artistic. Such a person is attracted towards women. However, if Moon is aspected by inauspicious planets, there may be financial losses and disputes related to property.

Mars in Eleventh House

When Mars is in eleventh house, a person receives support and help from others. This helps him to achieve success. Such a person is a very energetic orator. He may receive some sudden benefits from matters related to property. However, if Moon is weak, a person may be aggressive. There may be disputed related to property.

Mercury in Eleventh House

When Mercury is in eleventh house, a person is wealthy and intelligent. Such a person has many talents. He is very polite and sweet. He is inclined towards artistic and writing works. When Mercury is weak, a person may be rude. He may even face obstacles with education.

Jupiter in Eleventh House

When Jupiter is in eleventh house, a person is skilled and intelligent. He is the head of the family and makes many friends. Such a person is inclined towards music. He is very intelligent and attractive.

Venus in Eleventh House

When Venus is auspicious, a person is polite and sweet. Such a person is wealthy and fond of travelling. He is loved by everyone around him. Such a person has a good married life. He is inclined towards art and dance.

Saturn in Eleventh House

When Saturn is in eleventh house<, a person is served by many servants. He receives many benefits from politics and government. There may be some obstacles in receiving education. Such a person may be poor and detached from his family.

Rahu in Eleventh House

When Rahu is in eleventh house, a person is wealthy and intelligent. He receives monetary benefits from abroad and may become the Army Chief. Such a person may be detached and stressed. He may have to struggle in order to achieve success. Such a person is restless.

Ketu in Eleventh House

When Ketu is in eleventh house, a person is successful. He has an optimistic approach to life. Such a person goes on many fruitful journeys. There may be some problems caused by the Government. Such a person is mentally restless. He may have a harsh voice.