Varshphal Kundali and Analysis of Third House

Varsha Kundali is also known as Tajik. It is one of the three branches of Astrology. Varsha Kundali usually explains an incident of special importance. In order to check the results, we have to analyze different planets in different houses and their Karak elements. Varsha Kundali is associated with Parashar principles. There are some common aspects between both of these. Some aspects of Parashar principles are considered to be very important in Varsha Kundali.

Sun in the Third House

If Sun is in the third house, a person is rich and respected in society. Such a person is healthy and has a good character. He lives a king size life and becomes a leader. If Sun is in Gemini, Libra or Sagittarius sign, a person may become a writer, publisher and incline towards education.

Moon in the Third House

Due to the effects of Moon, a person is inclined towards knowledge. Such a person is courageous and mentally stable. He is fond of clothes and food. If Moon is weak, there may be domestic problems or tensions in the family. A person may suffer from breathing problems. There are chances of an accident while travelling.

Mars in the Third House

Due to the effects of mars, a person may be the eldest or youngest among brothers. Such a person is courageous and strong. However, if Mars is weak, a person may be suicidal. He may suffer from blood related problems and fear accidents. There may be fights with neighbours.

Mercury in the Third House

If Mercury is in third house, a person receives good education. Such a person may be a good writer. He also has a strong memory and may be inclined towards publishing or research. If Mercury is weak, a person may be surrounded with worries. He may be weak and disinterested in studies.

Jupiter in the Third House

When Jupiter is in third house, a person is skilled and rich. When Jupiter is weak or aspected by malefic or inauspicious planets, a person is unable to distinguish between right and wrong. He may not be a good decision maker.

Venus in the Third House

When Venus is strong, a person is creative. Such a person is well versed with creativity. He is polite and loving towards everyone. Such a person loves nature and receives benefits from journeys. When Venus is weak, a person’s marriage may be delayed.

Saturn in the Third House

When Saturn is in third house, a person has lots of brothers and sisters. Such a person is responsible in life. He receives benefits from research and writing. When Saturn is inauspicious, there may be tensions among brothers. Such a person may be clever and struggles a lot to achieve success.

Rahu in the Third House

When Rahu is in third house, a person is eldest or youngest among his brothers and sisters. Such a person is courageous and fortunate. He does not fear anything. Such a person receives benefits from writing or publishing.

Ketu in the Third House

When Ketu is exalted or in its own sign in third house, a person lives a happy life. Such a person is attractive and rich. He is sad and afraid whenever he is weak. Such a person is always insecure regarding friends.