Varshphal Kundali and Analysis of First House

Results of planets in different houses are based on Parashar principles These principles are also useful in a Varsha Kundali Planets gives results in a house on the basis of Karak elements, Signs, Lords and Position. Planets which are Lords of Ascendant, fifth and ninth house are always considered to be very auspicious. On the other hand, Lords of sixth, eighth and twelfth house always give inauspicious results.

According to Parashar ji, Lord of eleventh house is also considered to be inauspicious. This way, planets provide different results in different Ascendant Kundalis. It is necessary to understand that in order to be strong, natural auspicious planets including Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Shukla Paksha Moon should be in center or triad house. On the other hand, inauspicious planets including Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu should be in third, eighth or eleventh house.

All the planets give auspicious results if they are exalted or in their own signs. The same principle is applied to planets associated with Rajyoga.

Sun Planet in First House

When Sun is strong, a person is disciplined with a strong will power. He has good health and loves power. According to Chintamani, such a person is fortunate and respected in society. A person with a strong Sun in the first house is loved by his father.

Moon Planet in First House

When Moon is strong in a Kundali, a person is filled with love and emotions. Such a person has peace of mind and receives love from his mother. Such a person is very confident. He is excited of travelling and acquires wealth. If Moon is weak, a person’s mind is restless and does not trust others. Such a person is not stable. He does not have an aim in life.

Mars Planet in First House

When Mars is strong, a person is courageous, brave and energetic. Such a person defeats his enemies and acquires immovable property or land. When Mars is weak, a person may not be healthy and may be bit by animals. Such a person may also be prone to injuries, burns and cuts. A weak Mars may be the reason for miscarriage, surgeries, operations or high blood pressure.

Mercury Planet in First House

When Mercury is in the first house, a person is clever and jovial. Such a person is skilled in mathematics, writing, arguments, astrology, science, dance and drama. A weak Mercury affects throat, nose, ears etc. It causes problems like stammering and difficulty in speaking. A person may suffer from skin problems.

Jupiter Planet in First House

When Jupiter is strong, a person is intelligent and educated. Such a person is respected in society and associated with religious activities, devotion, good company, ancient history etc. Such a person also acquires wealth. He may work in religious institutions or as a lawyer, judge, examiner, principal, teacher etc. Such a person is skilled in astrology. When Jupiter is weak, a person may spend unnecessarily. Such a person is fond of food. He may be fat and suffer from diabetes.

Venus Planet in First House

When Venus is strong, a person is able to fulfill all kinds of material desires. He has a happy married life. Such a person is fond of fragrances and ornaments. He may be very beautiful. Such a person is poetic. He has a good body, big eyes, curly hair and an attractive personality. When Venus is weak, a person may be addicted to drugs or alcohol. He may not have a good character.

Saturn Planet in First House

When Saturn is strong, a person lives a long and happy life. He has a lot of wealth and money. When Saturn is weak, a person may be poor, disrespectful and weak. A weak Saturn also indicates death.