Benefic Planets Sun

Out of all the benefic planets, Sun is considered to be the most powerful. It gives auspicious results when it is in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses. On the other hand, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th house are inauspicious for Sun. Moon, Jupiter and Mars are friendly towards Sun. Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are its enemies.

When we talk about benefic planets, Sun gives auspicious results when it is exalted or placed in an auspicious house. In conjunction with benefic planets Sun gives even better results.The Sun is a Karaka of soul, father, happiness, name, fame and status. Sun if placed in auspicious houses makes the native an attractive personality and gives a shining career. Sun controls pitta and bones in the body, by temperament Sun is brave and violent. It represents fruits, trees, Mantra, religious prayers, government jobs, medicines,chemicals, speculation, cleverness and treasury. When we talk about Benefic Planets Sun gives different results in different houses.

First House

These natives are usually fond of constructing religious buildings and digging wells for public welfare. They always have a permanent source of livelihood. Money earned from honest sources is bound to multiply with time. These natives do not trust others easily. They have less hair on head. They are also lazy and hot tempered. Sun in the first house is good if placed in Cancer sign, it may lead to several problems as Sun will be debilitated in the first house.

Second House

These natives are skilled in handiwork. They are usually independent. They will be very helpful to their parents, sisters, daughters, maternal uncles and in-laws. They are devoid of education and wealth. They will have stammering voice as per Phaldeepika.

Third House

These natives will be independent and rich. They will have younger brothers. They will be blessed by the Lord and earn profits through their intelligence. They will be brave but will have enmity with relatives.

Fourth House

These natives will be devoid of happiness, relatives and friends. They will have a constant source of income as it will aspect 10th house of career. However they will not be able to build property and will always face problems in such matters. They will even squander ancestral property.

Fifth House

Such a position of sun creates ego or overconfidence in a person.These natives are creative, sharp and intelligent. They have few children, success in speculation but suffer due to their careless and negligent nature.

Sixth House

These natives will be prone to anger. Sun in sixth is Ripu Hanta mans defeats enemies He will be lucky and have a beautiful spouse. Such a person will receive benefits from the Government. Prone to accidents with animals. Health will be good if associated with benefics, otherwise have to guard against Pitta and bone related problems.

Seventh House

Such a person occupies a high ranking position in the Government. He has unending sources of income. It suffers from marital problems and partnerships are not successful for such natives. It may delay or even deny marriage if unassociated with benefics.

Eighth House

These natives will be truthful, honest and trustworthy. They will receive favors from the Government.They are spendthrift, quarrelsome, fickle minded and talkative. They also don’t find happiness from their children. If is well associated with benefics, will earn good fortune after marriage.

Ninth House

These natives will be fortunate and have a good family life but away from their birth place. The Karaka of ninth house is Sun, any Karaka in its own house is not considered good. Sun in this house makes old age difficult, if afflicted by malefics it will pose problems in education and foreign assignments.

Tenth House

These natives will get a Government job and receive favors from the Government or will be placed at a higher position if in a private job. They will be healthy and financially strong. They will be able to fulfill all kinds of material desires.

Eleventh House

These natives may have many sons and receive benefits from the Government. They will have a lot of friends who will help them at every stage. They native will be socially popular.

Twelfth House

These natives will have a defective eyesight, problems with father. They will benefit from business activities in foriegn lands. They lose money in frauds. They are inclined towards occultism.