Benefic Planets Saturn

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is considered to be a dreadful planet and is said to be 'malefic of malefics'. It is considered to be the reason for troubles, difficulties and hardships. As per astrology, Saturn is Son of Lord Surya and mother Chhaya. Saturn does not like his father Lord Surya for the treatment meated to his mother Chhaya. Saturn is a planet of age and longevity. Its malefic effects are disasters, death, illness, poverty, sins, fear, secrecy, jail, job, menial work, sacrifice, humiliation, death, poison, ash, disability, self-sacrifice, arms, theft, hard-work, insult, disease, wood, discrimination, delay of work.

Of all the malefic and benefic planets Saturn is known as 'Manda' or 'Shani'. Both the names indicate slow movement of this important and exceptional planet. Saturn is an ice cold planet with characteristics of self-denial, impotent planets, destructive power, mysterious etc. It is the slowest planet among all the planets and takes about 30 years to complete a full round of the zodiac. It stays in each sign for 2 and 1/ 2 years during its transit.It is friendly with Venus and Mercury, Neutral with Jupiter and considered inimical to Sun, Moon and Mars.

Hard work and discipline

Saturn is primarily considered to be the Karak of hard work and service. Saturn is a strict disciplinarian and a hard task master. It dislikes chaos and punishes those who don’t obey the rule of law. People affected by Saturn can be usually be seen as workers, drivers and builders. Saturn in the human body mainly represent the air element. Saturn situated in Libra sign makes it stronger and Saturn in this position is known as exalted planet. Other than this, Saturn also becomes strong when placed in Capricorn and Aquarius sign. The exalted effect of Saturn can make the native a lawyer, minister and professor. Saturn’s Mooltrikona sign is Aquarius. Saturn represents iron, oil and all items which are excavated in mining.


Saturn is also known as the Ayush Karaka. He is an important planet by which the life span, demise and nature of death of an individual is judged. That is why Hindus pay special offerings to Saturn made of burned sesame seeds in small cloth bags dipped in gingelly oil. They also fast on Saturdays. Lakhs of people go to Shani temple during the transit of Saturn from one sign to another. Saturn is a mystery planet and represents laziness, slowness, secrecy, concealment and stealthiness. It is usual that people become grey haired during the Saturn period and the native starts to exhibit elderly traits.


Saturn is also referred to as “Kaal” because it keeps account of our Karma and every event weather good or bad has the sanction of Saturn. Saturn plays the role of a teacher in one’s life, if one has done good Karma, it will reward the native and for bad Karma it will punish. It acts like a judge. Saturn’s placement in the chart depicts the Karma in a natives past life. For example, if Saturn is placed in Libra sign, where it is exalted, it means a person has done a lot of labour in his previous life and had given due respect to old people and workers. If placed in debilitated sign of Aries, then Saturn penalise the native for not following the dictums as envisaged by it.

Sade Sati and Dhaiya

When Saturn passes in transit over the natal Moon sign from 12th house, Moon sign and 1st house from the Moon sign for a period of seven and a half year, it is referred to as Sade Sati.When Saturn passes over the fourth and eighth sign from the Natal Moon sign, it is referred to as Dhaiya.These are the most testing time for the native and if the native has performed good Karma, Saturn will reward him/her and for bad Karma it will punish the native severely.These transits will teach a native about life and what it really means. This is the time for enlightenment by going through hard times. Saturn will turn a person towards spirituality and a life of renunciation. It will make a native pious and consumes his bad Karma.