Results and Analysis of Dasha

Balishtha Lagna Dasha

This dasha provides good health, fame, respected and recognition by Government. Madhyam Bal Dasha provides average results. There will be mixed results. There may be obstacles and problems. Your mental peace may be disrupted. Kshin Lagna Dasha may also cause tensions, financial losses etc. A person may work hard, but still may be unable to achieve success. Dashas are analysed with the help of position of Ascendant and Lord of Ascendant. A person gets very auspicious results if ascendant or Lord of ascendant are aspected by auspicious planets. On the other hand, a person gets inauspicious results when the Lord of ascendant is aspected or in transit with inauspicious planets.

Surya (Sun) Dasha

If Sun Dasha is strong, it provides good health, wealth and respect. During Madhya Dasha, there may be mixed results. During Kshin Dasha, they may be stress, arguments, misguidance, problems from enemies, accusations by Government etc. Sun gives auspicious results in third, sixth, tenth and eleventh house. Even Kshin Sun gives mixed results in these houses.

Chandra (Moon) Dasha

If Moon Dasha is strong, a person receives good clothes, respect, mental peace and prosperity. During Madhyam Dasha, there may be problems with friends or enemies may try to harm you. During Kshin Dasha, there may be financial losses, problems from daughter, mental stress etc.

Mangal (Mars) Dasha

If Mars Dasha is strong, a person is able to defeat his enemies. He is courageous and has a lot of leadership qualities. During Madhyam Dasha, a person may lose respect, wealth and health. During Kshin Mars Dasha, there may be problems because of theft, fights etc. There may also be skin or blood problems. A person may be weak. Kshin Mars Dasha may give auspicious results in third, sixth or eleventh house.

Buddh (Mercury) Dasha

If Mercury Dasha is strong, it provides a person with intelligence, knowledge and promotion. During Madhyam Dasha, a person is helped by his friends. Such a person is skilled in works related to writing. During Kshin Mercury Dasha, a person is unable to concentrate and use his intelligence in the best possible way. Such a person may change his place of stay, travel to distant places, incur financial losses etc. A weak Mercury does not give many inauspicious results when it is in sixth, eighth and twelfth house.

Brahaspati (Jupiter) Dasha

If Jupiter Dasha is strong, a person receives wealth, respect and fame. Such a person is appreciated by superiors, able to defeat his enemies, attains good health and support of friends. During Madhyam Dasha, a person works hard and lives happily. During Kshin Dasha, a person may be sad because of children. He may not believe in God. There may be some ear problems and difficulty in speaking.

Shukra (Venus) Dasha

If Venus Dasha is strong, a person lives a magnificent life and fulfill all kinds of material desires. During Madhyam Dasha, a person is happy because of his family and friends. However, during Kshin Dasha, a person may incur financial losses and lose intelligence.

Shani (Saturn) Dasha

If Saturn Dasha is strong, a person is respected because of social work. He is honored by the Government and acquires land and property. During Madhyam Dasha, a person receives benefits due to animals. He may be stressed or tensed about security. During Kshin Dasha, a person may fear animals. He may be poor, suffer from diseases and face other problems.