Astrological Calculations Line

Astrological charts are a representation of the locations of the Sun, Moon, and planets on the date and time a person was born. This particular information is used by astrologers to provide information about a person's personality and behavioral patterns.

The astrological chart and astrological calculations line do not provide any of that information, but rather are symbolic figures that show exactly what was happening in the solar system when an individual was born.

Creating an astrological chart through astrological calculations line can be an interesting project that will provide the information needed to delve deeper into astrology.

  • First of all, draw a circle with a diameter of 8 inches on your paper using the compass and pencil. Draw two small circles within the larger circle. One should be 7 inches in diameter while the other should be 3 inches. Divide the space between the outer two circles into 12 segments of equal size using the ruler.

  • Label each section with its glyph or astrological symbol. It does not matter where you begin, but put them in order counterclockwise according to the correct month.

  • Divide into 12 sections of 30° by marking small lines on the middle circle. There will be a total of 360 degrees.This is called zodiac and all signs, planets and constellations are there in this zodiac There are 12 signs,9 planets and 27 constellations. Find your ascendant sign by looking up the date, time and location of birth in an ephemeris table. An ephemeris is a chart that lists the locations of the planets, Sun and Moon at given times, dates and locations.

  • Mark the ascendant sign on the chart using the notation AS. Write the Rashis in anticlockwise from ascendant. The ephemeris table will provide the ascendant sign in degrees within an astrological sign. All the signs rise on the eastern horizon one by one and this ascension of signs is called Rashimaan.This time of ascension is not equal as it will depend on the latitude.This is due to rotation of earth on its axis in 24 hours. Owing to this, the entire zodiac and its signs, planets and constellations get a chance to rise at some point of time during the day in the eastern horizon.

  • Mark the signs of the Sun, Moon, and planets on the chart using the same method as described for the ascendant sign. Mark the planets with their correct glyphs. Place the houses from first to last counterclockwise beginning with the section where your ascendant sign is marked.This is called horoscope which means Hora is hour and Scopos the watcher.

  • This ascendant of the horoscope requires complex mathematical calculations to arrive at the exact position of ascendant and other houses along with planets, and constellations.The calculative part has to be very perfect as otherwise study of the horoscope may give wrong interpretations.This happens today as many softwares on the internet are available but all may not be correct. An astrologer must ensure the correctness of the charts so obtained.

  • The 12 houses so formed have to be studied as per astrological principles starting from ascendant being first house which stands for physical personality and appearance of the native.The second house stands for the immediate family, money speech etc. The third house stands for siblings, courage and skills and so on which describe different characteristics and significations of each house and their interactions according to placement of planets in a horoscope.

  • Interpret your chart once it is finished. Careful consideration must be paid to the time of the birth of a native which is the most important component as there are many other factors which will come into play while interpreting charts.There are many books and websites devoted to the subject of astrological chart interpretation..

    What is Rashi in Vedic Astrology