Components of a Yagya and Astrological Remedies

Remedies are considered to be very important in astrology. A skilled astrologer not only listens to a person’s problems, but also suggests appropriate remedies which may work wonders.

Each astrologer has a different belief and may suggest different remedies for the same problem. Some astrologers are trained by different people and have a vast knowledge about different remedies.

Hence, they suggest various remedies for the same problem which may depend on a lot of factors. This method usually has one big advantage. The astrologer has a variety of remedies and the person can choose any according to his/her preference.

Yagyas play a very important role in astrological remedies. Even the Vedas and Puranas talk about Yagyas being the best solution for mental peace and prosperity. Yagya is a vedic sacrifice in which offerings are made to different deities in a prescribed and systematic manner.

The purpose of performing a Yagya is to worship deities and asking for happiness, fulfilment of desires and removal of maleficence from one’s life.It brings the worshippers close to harmony and unites them with the almighty.

People pray to God to give them strength to sail through this world with peace and humility.It is also performed at the time of childbirth, to prevent or cure sickness, to ward off death and ensure the health and vitality.

These Yagyas are usually performed by the worshipers before commencing any auspicious ceremony such as marriage, birth of a child or entering a new house or starting a new business.

Vedas guide us to lead a life which envisages sacrifice for others. Serving or sacrificing is construed as service towards God and upholding the Dharma. As a result of this we humans lead a divine life.

Yagya or Yajna are mostly fire sacrifices. The host or Yajaman does it to fulfill the goals he/she wishes.The Mantras and hymns sung during Yagya are meant to appease Gods and seek divine protection.

Yagya play an important role in the preservation of the world and its beings. In Bhagwat Gita Lord Krishna explains every aspect of ritual of sacrifice, namely, the sacrificer himself, food, act of offering and sacrificial fire.

Eventually he concludes that he is the Kratu (Vedic ritual), Yagya(sacrifice), Svadha (offering), Aushadham (medicine), Mantra (chant), Ajyam (ghee), Agni (fire) and Hutam (burnt remains). It means that God is in every thing and every act..

Many astrologers believe that the plants or flora used in a Yagya also plays an important role if remedies are to be effective. Even Vastu acknowledges the importance of Vanaspati (flora) in Yagyas. Here are some important points associated with Yagyas :

  1. The flora and oils used in Yagyas play an important role when we talk about astrological remedies.
  2. Each piece of wood used in Yagya is not used as primary. A primary piece of wood holds great importance.
  3. The primary wood should come from Sandalwood, Pipal, Banyan, Kahir, Shael, Kakpriya, Dhaak, Bel, Pilkhan, Gular, Peetdaari and other similar trees.These trees have been mentioned in Vayu Purana.
  4. In the same way, Dayanand Saraswati also talked about different trees whose wood may be used in Yagyas. These include Palash, Shami, Pipal, Banyan, Gular, Mango and Vulva. He considered Sandalwood, Palash and Mango tree to be the best choices for Yagyas.
  5. Here is a list of trees which may be used according to different planets :
    • Sun - Ark tree
    • Moon - Dhaak tree
    • Mars - Khair tree
    • Mercury - Apamarg tree
    • Jupiter - Pipal tree
    • Venus - Gular tree
    • Saturn - Shami tree
    • Rahu - Durva tree
    • Ketu - Kush tree
  6. A lot of scriptures talk about the importance of planting these trees near and around your residence. These trees should be planted in the below mentioned directions :
    • Gular - East
    • Shami - West
    • Pipal - North
    • Khair - South
    • Ark - Center
    • Latjeera - North East
    • Kush - North West
    • Doob -South West
    • Dhaak - South East

Panchang and Vedic Astrology