Yogas for a Child in a kundali

Position of planets situated in a Kundali determine whether the native will be able to attain the pleasure of a child or not. Yogas formed in a Kundali are based on certain vedic rules and principles. In this article, we will try to elaborate these principles through some examples.

If the lord of the 5th house forms the birth-ascendant or the Moon-ascendant is well placed and Jupiter is in a good position then you will have happiness from children.

When Jupiter is in a strong position and the lord of the ascendant is in the 5th house then it is a combination that gives an obedient child.

According to vedic astrology, it is also believed that if the lord of the fifth house is in its own sign and being aspected by an inauspicious planet or sukhesh or bhagyesh then it is considered to be an auspicious position for a birth of a child.

A strong Panchmesh situated in the ascendant, fifth, seventh or ninth house in a kundali not being afflicted by a malefic planet, then the native will be blessed with a child.

It is also believed that the if the lord of the ascendant is in the fifth house and Jupiter is strong in a kundali then the child born to a native will be considered to be a Karak.

Anyone of the planet (Mercury, Venus or Moon) present in the Ekadash gives the pleasure of a child. Also, if aries, taurus or cancer are in the fifth house then also the native will be blessed with a child.

Lagnesh or Navmesha presents in the seventh house or in exalted sign of the kundali are considered to be auspicious for a childbirth. Similarly, Jupiter aspecting Lagnesha also gives fruitful results.

Lords of Kendra forming a Trikon forms an auspicious Yoga for a child birth. Similarly, Jupiter, Venus or Panchamesha in the ninth house also give fruitful results.

If fifth house from the ascendant lies in the category of Venus and Moon and aspected by them then the native is blessed with more than one child. But, aspect or conjunction of malefic or inauspicious planet in this situation may create problems for the native.

A child is born to a native when panchmesh and lagnesh lies in the category of male planets and aspected by them. The results are also benefic when the Panchmesh conjunct Rahu during the Antar-dasha of rahu.

If Taurus, Leo or Scorpio are situated in the fifth house along with the Sun, while Saturn and Mars are placed in the eighth house and ascendant house respectively, then the joy of the parenthood get delayed.

Similarly, when Rahu is placed in the 11th house and the 5th house has no planet the person will have a child but after a bit delay. Also, If Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio signs are placed with Sun in the 5th house or Saturn in the 8th house and Mars is placed in the Ascendant then childbirth gets delayed.

Since, the fifth house is also known as the house of children it is considered important for determining the child’s birth. Jupiter is the karaka of the fifth house that provides the pleasure of child, respect and wisdom. Therefore, fifth house is specifically used for determining the birth of a child. A person with an inauspicious fifth house may have to be deprived of a child.

Parivartan yoga between panchmesha and ashtamesha is not an auspicious yoga for childbirth. This yoga have significant effect on ancestral property entitled to the child of the native. He does not feel satisfied with his own accomplishments. The health of the native is severely affected with this Yoga.

Panchang and Vedic Astrology