Analysis of Profession through Astrology

Studying the tenth house is considered to be very important to gather information about profession. In helps an astrologer to understand the native’s profession. It is also important to understand which of the three planets, Moon, Sun and Ascendant is in a strong position.

Analysing the Lord of tenth house is the first step. Once you have analyzed the Lord of tenth house, it is important to notice its position in your Kundali. It is also important to check which planet is in tenth house.

You should also analyze Verga Kundali D-9. It should be noted if the tenth house and the planet in it are strong or weak. D-9 plays an important role in studying your profession and business. It tells a lot of about your business prospects. The most minute details about your business can be analyzed from D-9.

With the presence of Aries sign in tenth house, a person joins the army or police. A person may also become a sportsman, surgeon or choose a career related to metals. If Leo sign is present in tenth house, a person works in an administrative department. He may also work in forest office, medical industry or as an IAS officer or politician. With the presence of Sagittarius sign in tenth house, a person may be a sportsman, in the navy, dictator, politician or in finance.

If Cancer sign is in tenth house, a person works in the sea or navy. Such a person’s work may also be related to milk products, fisheries or honey. He may also work in the hotel industry.

With the presence of Scorpio sign in tenth house, a person may become a philosopher, naval officer, detective, geologist, army office, doctor or nurse.

If Pisces sign is in tenth house, a person may become a surgeon, nurse, jailor, dance teacher, social worker or work in an orphanage. With the presence of Gemini sign in tenth house, a person is able to express his thoughts. Due to this, he may be related to communications. For instance, he may become a salesman, reporter, writer or researcher.

With the presence of Libra sign, a person may become a consultant, lawyer, judge, political expert, public relations officer, singer, actor or quality controller.

With the presence of Aquarius sign in the tenth house, you may be a technical or legal advisor. Your work may be related to automobiles, airplane technicians, X-rays, computer programming and more.

When Taurus sign is in the tenth house, you may be interested in running your own business. Your work may be related to banking, cashier, trustee, financer, beauty products, advertising or media agency.

With the presence of Virgo sign in the tenth house, you may become a teacher, shopkeeper, debater, psychiatrist, handwriting expert etc. If Capricorn sign is present in the tenth house, you may be related to agriculture, deforestation, irrigation, geology, business or banking.

When we analyze all these things, it comes to our notice that it is easy to find out about the sign and planet in tenth house. All this can provide information about your career prospects. Moreover, condition of tenth house in Dashmansh and Verga Kundalis can also tell us a lot about a person’s career prospects.

Career as per the lord of 10th House - Importance of 10th Lord for Career