Ascendant House Scorpio

An ascendant house  gives a person a very reserved personality. Such a person is usually secretive and determined in life. He is certain about his goals and wants to accomplish them. People with an ascendant house Scorpio do not usually reveal their secrets to anybody. They do not even like to discuss their goals and objectives in life. Such people usually have a magnetic personality. They are usually charismatic and people consider this to be overwhelming. People around them are usually attracted to them because of their enigma and their honest and jolly nature. They are usually liked by everyone around them. Even if they are not liked, they are able to turn eyes and gather people’s attention.

Scorpio sun sign is symbolized by a Scorpion. People with Scorpio in the first house usually have an armor surrounding them, which protects them and makes them survive in all kinds of hostile situations. Such people are never soft and they do not knuckle under or hide from a difficult situation. They are born fighters who like taking the lead and face challenges. They always want to be the first to tackle difficult situations, where circumstances would usually defeat others. Moreover, these people have a tendency to sting whenever it is needed and whenever they seek revenge or vengeance.

People with an ascendant house Scorpio have a very powerful personality. They are not easy to understand because of their mysterious and secretive nature. People can never make out what such people are thinking at a certain point of time. People with this placement have a depth to their personality which others are not usually able to understand. Such people usually feel that they are being understood by others. The fact is that they usually do not give a chance to others to understand them. People with an ascendant house Scorpio are usually self-reliant and willful. They appear calm and in control of other people. However, they are very emotional from inside. But emotional are controlled and seldom go out of hand. Such people have the strength to overcome any opponent.

People with an ascendant house Scorpio can feel some resentment and jealousy at times. They always pursue their goals with pure intensity, devotion and dedication. Such people are afraid of standing under heavy strain as they can be relied upon to stay calm and composed even in the most serious circumstances.

People with this placement are inclined to be very suspicious or skeptical, and occasionally they can be highly sarcastic. Every sign has a positive and negative expression, but with the Scorpio, the range of possibilities is extreme. Everything is black or white. There are no shades of gray with Scorpio in the first house. Their penetrating stare can look right through a person or a situation. They can make an instant diagnosis and it is usually the right one.

The Scorpio personality is often maligned as over-sexed, a bit on the evil side, and often bent on revenge. This is not completely true, but Scorpio does get what it wants, when it wants it, most of the time. It is not a personality to be trifled with.

Characteristics of Scorpio Sign