Effect of Moon in a Birth Chart

According to Vedic astrology, Moon is considered to be the karak of mind and the person affected from it always remains emotionally unstable. Moon is also known as Pushya Sugandh  (Karak of mind) in Uttara Kalamrita. It is also have been used as the attire of several gods and goddesses in the form of Chandrama Chandrakala. It sits on the forehead of Lord Shiva and increases the grace of goddess Chandraghanta’s forehead also. Method to calculate dasha in a birth chart is based on the position of Moon, like the speed of Moon is measured to calculate Vimshottari dasha.

However, all the planets have significant influence on the life of every human being, but Moon has greater influence on everyday life of an individual. According to the astrologers, Moon stays in one sign for a period of 2.25 days due to which it is also considered as fastest moving planet. As Moon is the karak of mind it causes instability in the mind of a person.

There is nothing as frequent, as fast as mind. It doesn't have any limitations to its imagination. Many saints have performed great austerities for hundred of years to get it into control and the person who attains the control is able to achieve salvation at the end.

The mood of a person depends upon the movement of Moon in different signs and houses of a birth chart. When the  Moon is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house during the transition phase the native suffers from emotional breakdown, remains upset and become highly emotional. Moon is strong in the Cancer sign and strongest in Taurus sign. Whereas, it is in debilitated state in Scorpio sign.

When Moon conjuncts friendly planets or Jupiter the native gets all his desires fulfilled and achieve high position.

The native tends to have a stable mind and thinking process when Moon is in a good position in a birth chart. Such a person is patient and full of perseverance qualities. Moon at exalted position gives honor and high position in the society. The native is of a playful nature and lovers of luxury.

A Moon at a debilitated position in a horoscope causes illness and instability of mind. The native remains confused while taking any decision. The native with Moon is in its own sign is radiant, intelligent and attains sudden wealth. Such a person is capable of taking right decisions.

Moon situated in friendly sign brings happiness, wealth and good qualities to the native.

Other than this, Moon in the enemy sign causes illness to the native. The native may lack self-control and the effects of negativity can be seen.

An auspicious and strong Moon makes the native fortunate, beautiful, and prosperous. A strong Moon is described as, “ Pradhana Bal Sanyukt Sampurnashasha Lanchana || Ekopi Kurute Jatam Naradhip Marindmaan | Arogya Praddatu No dinkar Shaychandro ||. Thus, it can also be put as a strong Moon makes the fortune stronger.

A weak Moon in the sixth, eighth, twelfth house, being aspected by malefic planets and affected by Rahu-Ketu gives a life full of suffering. However, one can perform certain remedies to make such a Moon strong. The native can wear pearl in silver ring on a Monday of Shukla paksha or observe fasts on poornima day to get beneficial results of the Moon. Worshipping Lord Shiva and doing jalabhishek of Shivalinga also increases the auspiciousness of Moon.

Effects of the transit of Moon on your Horoscope