Bhadra Yoga - Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga

Pancha Mahapurush Yoga is a very effective and auspicious Yoga if present in the birth chart of a person. As a result of this Yoga, the native is well placed in life and is able to overcome obstacles and struggles in life.

Auspicious Yogas formed in the birth chart of a person, help in protecting the native from the struggles of life. Struggles in a person’s life are nothing but the result of his/her Karma. When auspicious Yogas are formed in the birth chart of a person, it can be assumed that the native has performed a lot of good Karma. One can expect natives with good Yogas to be successful in life.

How is Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga formed?

Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga is formed when Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn planets are present in the quadrant in their own signs or in an exalted sign. As these Yogas are formed from either of these five planets and hence is called Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. A specific name is given to Yoga formed from each planet.

Bhadra Yoga is formed with Mercury planet is called as Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. When this Yoga is created by Mercury, the native is bestowed with intellectual abilities and power of knowledge. One of the five Mahapurusha Yogas is Bhadra Yoga, this Yoga comes under the category of highly auspicious Yogas and the person with this Yoga gets wealth, fame and happiness.

When is Bhadra Yoga formed?

In birth horoscope, when Mercury is in it’s own sign ie. Gemini or Virgo, then this Yoga is formed. Along with this, it is important that Mercury should be in the centre. In some Shastras, we take it from the centre of Moon also. Here, centre will mean the First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth House, in which Mercury is present in it’s own sign, then Bhadra Yoga is formed. Apart from this, according to some texts, if in the Moon horoscope you if Mercury is present in it’s own sign and in First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth House, then also Bhadra Yoga is formed. Bhadra Yoga gives results according to its name.

Bhadra Yoga Result

The natives born in Bhadra Yoga have characteristics similar to that of a lion. Their walking style is charismatic. They have a healthy built with well developed abs. They have strong and muscular arms. They are intelligent by nature. They will have virtuous and contemplative skin.

Apart from this, the natives born in this Yoga are symbolised by a shellfish, sword, elephant, mace, flower, arrow, cornice, circle and lotus in their hands or feet. They have a sweet voice. The natives of Bhadra Yoga are capable of doing their work independently. They forgive their kith and kin easily.

Their wealth may be used by others. They have a good sense of humour and are friendly. They have a gentle heart and are always affectionate. They prefer to work at a slow pace and are gentle. They are inclined to work in areas that involve their intellectual abilities rather than physical prowess.

Effect of Bhadra Yoga in the field of Career

Bhadra Yoga bestows the native with special skills. These natives are successful in influencing others from their language. These native are very influential and like to enjoy their life in their own style. These natives are also tactful and can get their work done from others. This makes them successful. These natives are likely to be successful in teaching and storytelling.

Mainly, these natives can become an expert in the field of communication. Their competence will be recognised primarily in this field and will also improve. The natives born in Bhadra Yoga will be well versed and famous among people.

When does Bhadra Yoga gives auspicious results

Any Yoga will give auspicious results if the horoscope of the native is powerful. In a horoscope, if a is Yoga is auspicious, planets are also strong and free from any type of malefic effects, then the Yoga becomes much more influential in giving auspicious results.

On the other hand, if the planets present in the horoscope are in malefic houses or are weak, then in that case the Yoga becomes capable of inauspicious results. Along these lines, the Bhadra Yoga gives inauspicious results to the native if Mercury is weak in the horoscope of the native. Consequently, the speech of the native will be affected and the native may be deceptive and cunning.

A Yoga also give auspicious results, when some other auspicious Yogas are formed in the Kundali. In this case the horoscope becomes strong and the native gets positive results. Along with this, if Bhadra Yoga is formed in the horoscope and if it is compounded by Mercury Dasha on the native the auspicious results from the Yoga are even more.

This is applicable to all Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. Whenever a Yoga is formed by any of the aforesaid 5 planets and at the same time there is Dasha of the planet from which the Yoga is formed on the native the positive results from the Yoga amplifies.

Sometimes positive Yogas are formed in a horoscope, but at that time the position of the planet may not be favourable, then the Yogas may not be able to benefit the native much. It is essential to determine the position of the planets to understand the exact impact of a Yoga.