12th House | Various Aspects of 12th House

The 12 bhavas or houses represent the complete history of an individual. The complete horoscope is studied and predictions are made with sufficient accuracy by the combination of planets and various aspects on the houses.

The 12th house is the house of losses and expenses. It  mainly governs misery, loss, waste, expenditure, sympathy, divine knowledge, final emancipation (Moksha) and life after death.

Important combinations related to 12th house

* If the 12th house is occupied by a malefic planet and the lord of 12th house is an evil planet, the native makes lot of expenses on immoral purposes.

* If the lord of 12th house is Jupiter and Jupiter has no malefic influence, the native will die in divine contemplation.

* If the lord of 12th house is Mars and Saturn occupies the 12th house then the native may die on account of piles or other bloody disease.

* If the Sun and the Moon are in the 12th house without any favourable aspect then the native will be a simpleton.

* If the 12th lord is aspected by the lord of 7th house and both of these planets are powerful then the money and influence will be misused by the spouse.

* If the lord of 12th house is weak and is aspected by the lord of 6th house then the native will spent lot of money on useless litigation.  

* If the powerless lord of the 12th house occupies unfavorable position in the Navmansha the native will have deformed limbs.

* If a benefic planet occupy the 12th house or its lord joins the 12th house, the native will have his close relations surrounding him the the time of his death. 

If the Sun is placed in the 12th house the native will be sinful, poor, unsuccessful, lover of esoteric and master of occult knowledge.

If the Moon is placed in the 12th house, the native will be deformed, cruel, unhappy, powerless, narrow minded and miserable.

If the Mars is placed in the 12th house, the native will be unsuccessful, poor, fruitless, liable to fraud and deception, dishonest and has deformed eyes.

If the Mercury is placed in the 12th house, the native will be philosophical, intelligent, adulterous, capricious, narrow minded, passionate and having lack of opportunities.

If the Venus is placed in the 12th house, the person will be mean minded, fond of sexual pleasures, will have weak eyes, pretentious, licentious, unprincipled and will have unhappy love affairs.

If the Jupiter is placed in the 12th house, the native will sadistic, poor, unsteady character, unlucky, having artistic taste and pious in the later life.  

If the Saturn is placed in the 12th house, the native will have squint eyes, will get losses in trade, learned in occult sciences, spendthrift, will have many enemies and will be unpopular.

If Rahu is placed in the 12th house, the native will be deformed, will have few children, defective sight and many losses.

If Ketu is placed in the 12th house, the native will be capricious, will have unsettled mind, will have a foreign residence and will have much of travelling and spiritual knowledge.

These predictions should not be taken straight as it is rather you have to take into consideration various other aspects. This is just the general tendency of the planets.

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