Chalcedony Gemstone | Chalcedony Meaning - Calcedony

The texture of this Gemstone is  fibrinous. This  micro-crystal are said to be of the class of crystals, and are made from accumulation of small crystal particles.  t is a jointless perfect stone, and can be easily coloured. Presently this stone is used in jewelery and statue making. In ancient times , this stone was used to make Tabeez . The aura of wax can b felt in this gemstone.

This gemstone is normally milky brown in colour, and is also found in various other colours which is very rare. Chalcedony is found very rarely in Blue, Green and orange colour. sometimes it can be found in transparent form also.. It is necessary to know its charactersticts to recognize it at the time of buy, because sometimes it is sold with spots . Along with the mixture of other minerals , it becomes some other gemstone like Sulemani, Tamdaa, Onexus,etc.

That is why one should be able to recognize this gemstone.  American Indian consider this gemstone as a holy stone and use it to bring brotherhood, peace and maintain harmony between people. 

Metaphysical Properties Of Chalcedony

This stone helps a person in the form of telepathy.It absorbs negative energy and completely finishes it inside the person .It maintains coordination between the soul, mind and heart.  It creates a sense of generosity by illuminating ideological differences between people.Some people believe that this stone controls stress also, and protects from mental illness..People who get easily sad , should hold this gemstone.

It increases the sense of friendliness, and boosts the feeling of humanity and sympathy. It also controls emotions and Increases stamina. It also increases individuals patience .It is believed that this gemstone increases the sense of attachment. Presently everyone is living in a chaotic energy surrounded with electronic environment, and without this gadgets human life is incomplete. To prevent the energy that is supplemented from these electronic gadgets these gemstones are used and this Chalcedony gemstone gives relief to human life in many aspects.

Healing Properties Of Chalcedony Gemstone

By holding this gemstone , the persons thoughts and feelings become pure .It is considered powerful to get purity, and heals the open wounds very soon. .Mothers can use it to increase their milk feed, as it also increases the feeling of motherhood.It also increase the strength of the body, and provides energy .It delays the ageing process , and prevents old people from dementia. 

It draws the problems related with eyes, and smoothes the functioning of the Gall-Bladder. It also prevents the problems related to the bones and controls the functioning of spleen and blood circulation. It also helps to run the body circulatory system smoothly. It forgoes the stubbornness and sad nature of the person.

Where is Chalcedony Found

Presently it is found in Madgascagar, Brazil, America, China, Australia, Mexico, England, Iceland, Russia, Turkey , Chez Republic and India. 

Who Should Wear Chalcedony

Any person based on his need can wear Chalcedony Stone.

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