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Rajju Varga in Marriage Match Making

According to South Indian astrological method, matching of kundlis for marriage is determined by the 20 koota (bees koota). Rajju varga is one of the 20 kootas. In this article we will discuss how predictions are done and what ways are the ways of obtaining predictions from the rajju vargh.

What is Rajju vargh
In South Indian astrological method there are two ways of ascertaining Rajju vargh. In the first principle three shivaling are made and four lines are stretched on them. Then from the west-north direction all nakshatra are placed in its right side. While analyzing a bride’s kundli if her birth nakshatra is in a line or not in a line then it is inauspicious. This situation in her kundli may create inadjustability with her husband.

In the second principle three nakshatra are placed for three times on three fingers starting from the index to the ring finger of a hand. While considering the nakshatra of a couple if it is seen that the nakshatra are in the same place then it is inauspicious for them. It is very inauspicious if the placements of the nakshatra are in the central line.

How Rajju Varga is determined.
There are several astrological methods through which Rajju vargh can be determined. Amongst them Paanch Naari Chakra method is also practiced to judge Rajju vargh. There are five types of Rajju vargh named as Padarajju, Ururajju, Nabhirajju, Kantharajju and Shirorajju.

How Rajju Vargha influences
Every Rajju has distinct influence on the Paanch Rajju. Astrology says that if both the man’s and the woman’s nakshatra is in Padarajju then a wife has to face the separation from her husband because he may have to stay abroad. If the couple’s nakshatra are in Ururajju then there may be a possibility of wastage of wealth in their life.

If both the married couple has their nakshatra in Nabhirajju then they might have to face adverse circumstance from their child. Kantharajju is very dangerous for girls. If the bride and groom’s nakshatra are in Kantharajju then life of the bride may be at risk. And the groom’s life might be in difficulty if the couple’s nakshatra is in Shirorajju.

The auspicious state in Paanchrajju is then when the bride and groom’s nakshatra falls in separate Rajju, which results in a happy married life. In this cycle if the husband’s nakshatra is higher than wife’s nakshatra then the couple is blessed with a long life. That means the couple will enjoy the fruits of their married life for long period.