Sun Sign Compatibility for Cancer Man And Leo

Cancer Man & Leo Woman

An interesting combination because they both want the same thing but in different ways. Cancer wants security and possessions to bolster their stability and rock-solid emotional status. Leo on the other hand is keen on possessions to bolster their self-confidence.

Cancer wants to be needed and loved while Leo wants to be admired and loved. It requires a delicate balance because if either is rebuffed or fails to get their way, sparks will fly. But if their needs are meet, then their love can be deeply satisfying and long-lasting.

Both signs are keen on a happy family life. Cancer is sensitive and Leo is passionate. Again this can be a powerful mix and good for all concerned.

With the Sun and the Moon prominent in this pairing, there is a fine blend of the masculine and feminine aspects of life and this bodes well for both people both as individuals and as a couple.

Both signs make good leaders but in different ways. Cancer is the strong and silent type whereas Leo is loud and brash. So long as both understand the differences, they can work well together and form a long and strong relationship. They are often a winning couple.
