2025-03-01T03:56:07.3968318Z en-us Daily horoscopes for libra Daily Moonsign horoscopes for all libra sign from LIBRA Horoscope For March 01, 2025 <a href=''></a> Your Moon sign is Libra. Today the Moon is transiting through Aquarius. During this transit the Moon passes through the Nakshatras belonging to Mars, Rahu and Jupiter. This transit of the Moon is stated to yield favorable, unfavorable and mixed results depending upon different situations. Under normal circumstances this transit produces good results.<br /><br />This day you may utilize your knowledge for making your career. The works undertaken by you today will help you in building up your future. That is why you should be very careful and selective in taking up suitable and befitting works only. Whatever you try to remember today, you will easily be able to memorize. You may test your knowledge. You will achieve results according to your own capabilities.<br /><br />This day will be beneficial for starting new projects, taking decisions, taking up a journey, sale and purchase of materials, financial investments etc. Do not be irregular in your food habit lest you may suffer from an upset stomach. You should carry out your responsibilities towards your children. <br /><br />Today is not a good day for worldly pleasures. On the other hand it is a favorable day for undergoing development of the mental, spiritual and emotional qualities. This is a day of purity and holiness. Those who indulge themselves in worldly pleasure and unsocial works may encounter sorrows. Brown color will be lucky for you today. Utilize your capabilities towards your own development and do not waste your time in having meaningless doubts.<br /> 2025-03-01T03:56:07.4280786Z