2025-03-01T03:51:50.61119Z en-us Daily horoscopes for leo Daily Moonsign horoscopes for all leo sign from LEO Horoscope For March 01, 2025 <a href=''></a> Your Moon sign is Leo. Today the Moon is transiting through Aquarius. During this transit, it passes through the Nakshatras belonging to Mars, Rahu and Jupiter. This transit will create favorable results. <br /><br />You will get a lot of affection and happiness from your spouse today. Travelling will be full of adventure and happiness. <br /><br />Use this day to do a close scrutiny of the present trends in your life and decide the future course of action. You may obtain wealth today. Extend a sense of understanding towards your partners and associates and respect them. <br /><br />Brown is your lucky color today. You will enjoy a state of happiness from activities like reading, teaching and from your relationship with your spouse. Do not let your emotions cloud your mind. Worship Lord Shiva.<br /><br />Considering the effects of all the Rashis, it is quite evident that if you follow the trends of the Moon during the favorable period, you will receive positive results. In case you fail to follow the trend of the Moon, then the results will opposite.<br /> 2025-03-01T03:51:50.6424365Z